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Safe Haven Hiring Sales Pros Savannah

What Drives You?



Hi, I'm Judy.


I’m the Savannah Sales Team Recruiter for Safe Haven Security, ADT’s largest Authorized Dealer. Just recently, I've been asked to recruit for our Houston office as well. Hello Texas!

Before I get into “what we’re looking for,”  I’d like to tell you about MY job search experience, so you can see how I got here. This is my personal website, telling you what you really want to know before you make the decision to apply. 


After a bit of soul searching, I decided to dig down deep to identify a few simple one word motivators that remind me of who I am, and what I actually enjoy doing. I think it will help you discover the key components of this job. 

Are We a Good Fit?

Here are my check boxes  for when I was looking for work - the key non-negotiables I needed to experience, in order to be truly happy. My idea of fulfillment can be found below under the following categories: Achievement, Creativity, Adventure, Autonomy, Equality, Peace and Fun. 

If I could find a career that allowed me to be me, I'd be home. That's what I found here, and quite unexpectedly, I've had to update this website because it's evolved to an even bigger land of opportunities. I started where you are now, and I ran with it.


​I'm adding more check box, and this is the biggest one of all: self-love. That's when you're able to look yourself in the mirror with a big smile on your face, excited because you know you're good at what you do, and it pays well. There is nothing more rewarding. Where did that come from? Well, I used to be a healthy mindset coach for one thing, so keep reading...

Here's What We Offer

ACHIEVEMENT. Sales pays you well for good reason; not everyone can do it. It takes a tremendous amount of self-confidence. But you don't have to worry about that because we'll teach you how to get there quickly. My goal is to help you make $1000 your first week.

CREATIVITY. What's the secret to success? The truth? Being yourself. You'll have to talk to a lot of people, working from a list of 30+ spicy hot leads that are updated every day. Just go say hello with a smile and have fun with it. That's how you start. Creating rapport is your best ally. Try new things until you find your groove, and then it becomes naturally consistent!

ADVENTURE. You'll be spending a lot of time in your car. Hear me Uber, Lynx and Door Dash peeps? The only difference is you'll be moving the whole time from lead to lead, not sitting in a parking lot or on a sales floor hoping for an up. 

You could be anywhere in the greater Savannah or Houston area, an intriguing way to see the sights. You're seeking treasure to the tune of  $400+ per sale. The goal is $800+ average per day. Exciting fun fact, make 2 sales and you get to go home early, unless of course you want more sales.

AUTONOMY. Where you plan your route and which leads you pursue is totally up to you. Feel like you need a break? Just take notes at every stop to verify where you are. Take it easy when you need it and work effectively. Once you experience how easy it can be I promise, you'll be hungry for more. This is your business, so you decide what your day will be like.





Timing is everything, so there will be good days and bad. But the good news is every day is a fresh opportunity to talk to a never-ending list of fresh leads. People who need and want what you sell. That's why we stay in touch with the team on our message threads, and take selfies when we sell. We'll be cheering you on! No competition, no micromanagement, just everybody doing their own thing in their designated territory. 

Why It Works

Safe Haven Security, Savannah

The leader of our pack? Terrance Lauderdale. That's him in the photo winning another award. (Yes, it's a record.) What do you think drives him? Being the best. And ladies and gentlemen, I've never seen better. Terrance will floor you with his one-liner comebacks, toppling down smoke screens and objections while laughing with the customers about how he just won them over in one easy breath. 

Our amusing and easy going Branch Manager wants nothing more than to make us the #1 office in the country. He's already done it for the past 2 years running in Arlington,VA. He's here now and we're already breaking our own records.


EQUALITY. In order for Terrance to be the best that he can be, he's got to make us the best we can be. That means ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.

Update: Savannah's Awards and Team Achievements (a year later.)

So here we are now, and we've all moved up. Terrance is Regional Manager, currently setting up the Houston office. My buddy Chad went from 13 years on the police force to managing his own office in Columbia, SC. Lamar, after working a few months as a Corporate Trainer, is now managing the Savannah location. And me? Last year I hit the coveted top salesperson of the year, just by following directions and doing my job. I've since created my own version of the job as the new Savannah Marketing Rep. I recruit for 2 offices, but there's 200+ more, so who knows where this will lead? 

Let's Get Real

It's going to be a challenge at first, you're learning a new job. It's like learning to drive, there are a lot of things you've got to get used to doing, all at the same time. You've got to stay on your toes. But it's one step at a time, just like anything else that grows your skills. You practice until you can do it in your sleep.


And you know what's nice about that? 

PEACE. You've got sales under your belt. Money. Satisfaction for a job well done, so you can relax a little. Just take the next step. Schedule an interview and decide for yourself.

FUN. Go for a drive. Make some new friends. See some cool houses, maybe get a plate of dinner or an invite to a housewarming party. All of the above make this the best job ever.

What's the down side? Gotta be honest here because that's who I am. Honesty and clarity get you loyalty, whether you're the new customer or the new hire. Remember that. 



The things that help you improve your life are sometimes quite difficult. Right? That's because they challenge you to step up when times are hard. This could be rough in the beginning. You'll need to put in more hours at first because you've got to get in the training. You also need to spend time practicing what you've learned. The joy is in the process. This is a job that will make you grow - that's why it feels so good when the breakthroughs happen. 

Don't worry, we're all here to help because we all started the same way. Right where you are now. We'll show up and train again with you, and we'll share our own stories of hardship. You'll soon put it behind you in the rear view window. 

There's a reason why the front windshield is bigger; your focus should be on moving forward, my friend. This job will keep you in the fast lane. Yes, you'll put a lot of mileage on your car, but with the money you'll be making you'll be ready to trade up sooner than you believed possible. 

You might get lost, frustrated, rejected, lonely and bored, all at the same time. But where are you now? At least there's a plan here, and we're taking off. Won't you come with us? 

Here's a calendar link so you can schedule a call with meNo time to waste, the money is real. We can't keep up with our never-ending lead list. 


There's more information on the company website of course, the kind of thing you typically see with a regular job description. But we're not typical, nor regular, and neither are you. That's why you're still here. 

That's why I know you'll love this job,


What Matters Most







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